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Best Way to Sync Files Between 3 Computers (PCs or Servers)

Given 3 folders on 3 computers (PCs or Servers):

  • Computer 1 with Folder A
  • Computer 2 with Folder B
  • Computer 3 with Folder C

What is the best way to synchronize files between them, using ViceVersa PRO?

The easiest way is to install ViceVersa PRO on one computer (e.g. Computer 1) and setup two ViceVersa profiles, Profile 1 and Profile 2:

Profile 1 synchronizes Folder A on Computer 1 vs. Folder B on Computer 2
Profile 2 synchronizes Folder A on Computer 1 vs. Folder C on Computer 3

Both profiles use the "Synchronization" method.

This setup makes sure that if a file is added or changed at any of the 3 locations, the file will be copied to the other 2 locations.
For example, if a file is added to Folder B on Computer 2, it will be copied to Folder A on Computer 1 by Profile 1. It will then be copied from Folder A on Computer 1 to Folder C on Computer 3 by Profile 2.
Instead, if a file is removed from Folder B on Computer 2, it will be removed from Folder A on Computer 1 by Profile 1. It will then be removed also from Folder C on Computer 3 by Profile 2.

Profile 1
and Profile 2 can be scheduled to run every X minutes, using the VVEngine add-on or VVScheduler (included in the ViceVersa PRO software). The advantage of using VVEngine is that it can run as a service on Windows Servers and it can run profiles sequentially, one after the other.

Note about Real-Time Synchronization
o run the synchronization between the 3 computers in 'real-time' (i.e. not simply scheduled every X minutes, but as soon as file changes are detected), the VVEngine add-on needs to be able monitor file changes on all 3 computers. But it is not always possible to monitor files at remote locations (it depends on the network topology). VVEngine may report an error when trying to monitor a folder on a remote machine (e.g. trying to monitor Folder B on Computer 2 or Folder C on Computer 3 from Computer 1). In this case, VVEngine must be installed locally, on each machine, and 4 ViceVersa profiles must be setup:

Profile 1 on Computer 1 synchronizes Folder A on Computer 1 vs. Folder B on Computer 2. VVEngine monitors source Folder A for file changes.
Profile 2 on Computer 2 synchronizes Folder B on Computer 2 vs. Folder A on Computer 1. VVEngine monitors source Folder B for file changes.
Profile 3 on Computer 1 synchronizes Folder A on Computer 1 vs. Folder C on Computer 3. VVEngine monitors source Folder A for file changes.
Profile 4 on Computer 3 synchronizes Folder C on Computer 3 vs. Folder A on Computer 1. VVEngine monitors source Folder C for file changes.

This setup is only needed to achieve real-time synchronization.

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terry.pong -  28-Mar-11
Do each of theses profiles have a unique tracking database?
TGRMN Software -  29-Mar-11
Yes, each profile needs its own unique tracking db.
Meron -  01-Feb-19
Is it possible to sync more than 3 Computers? What about 8-10?
TGRMN Software -  03-Feb-19
Yes, as many computers/servers as you need can be synchronized.
Meron -  04-Feb-19
OK, nice!

What happens if one PC got unplugged from the network while files are syncing?
TGRMN Software -  04-Feb-19
Files on that PC will not sync until it is back online.
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