Main Page > Browse Categories > VVEngine > 14. How Do I Uninstall VVEngine?

14. How Do I Uninstall VVEngine?

You can remove VVEngine like any other Windows program. The uninstall procedure will completely and cleanly remove VVEngine from your computer.

Follow these steps:

Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2022, 2019 / 2016 / 2012 / 2008

  1. Go to the Start menu > Control Panel. (Learn how to access the Control Panel)
  2. Click Programs and Features.
  3. Double-click VVEngine.
  4. Click Yes when asked to confirm that you want to uninstall VVEngine.
  5. The uninstall procedure will completely and cleanly remove VVEngine from your system.

Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2000

  1. Go to the Start menu > Control Panel.
  2. Click Add or Remove Programs.
  3. Double-click VVEngine.
  4. Click Yes when asked to confirm that you want to uninstall VVEngine.
  5. The uninstall procedure will completely and cleanly remove VVEngine from your system.
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Gina -  19-Feb-16
I uninstalled VVEngine, but the folder, C:\Program Files (x86)\VVEngine still exists. When I try to delete the folder, it chokes on taskdll.dll and tells me I need permission to delete that file, even though I'm logged in as a domain admin. I'm trying to reinstall the software, but that keeps throwing "An error occurred while trying to replace the existing file: Delete File failed; code 5. Access is denied."
TGRMN Software -  20-Feb-16
Please try restarting the PC or server. There is a process (probably VVEngine) that is still blocking that DLL file. thanks
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