Main Page > Browse Categories > FAQ > Sometimes Windows Assigns Different Drive Letters to My USB Devices. How Do I Instruct Windows To Always Assign the Same Drive Letter?

Sometimes Windows Assigns Different Drive Letters to My USB Devices. How Do I Instruct Windows To Always Assign the Same Drive Letter?

  • Insert the USB drive.
  • Go to Control Panel ->Administrative Tools -> Computer Management.
  • Select Disk Management.
  • Select the drive you just inserted and right-click.
  • From the context menu that appears, select the option to change the drive letter.
  • In the "Change Drive Letter" dialog, select an available letter for the drive. From now on, every time you insert the USB drive, Windows will assign the same drive letter you specified.
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Deepu -  29-Nov-06
This really works! Thank you for clear directions.
Mystic -  09-Apr-07
This only works on the computer it was changed on. How to you keep the same drive letter on ANY computer you connect the drive to WITHOUT going through the Admin drive listing?
TGRMN Software -  20-Apr-07
Hi, as far as I know that is not possible.
Guest -  31-Jan-08
Use the USB Drive Manager Tool. USBDLM
Richard -  03-Oct-12
You can do this using folder variables (or variable macros) as follows:

<label:XXXXXXXX> It expands to the drive letter assigned to the drive with label XXXXXXXX. For example, <label:My-Usb-Drive>:\FolderA\ expands to S:\FolderA\ if the drive letter assigned to the drive with label 'My-Usb-Drive' is 'S'.
Please note: this variable can't be used with the tracking database or the synchronization method.

<serial:XXXXXXXX> It expands to the drive letter assigned to the drive with serial XXXXXXXX. For example, <serial:A2FF003E>:\FolderA\ expands to X:\FolderA\ if the drive letter assigned to the drive with serial number 'A2FF003E' is 'X'.
Please note: this variable can't be used with the tracking database or the synchronization method.

Source of this information: ViceVersa Pro Help File
TGRMN Software -  04-Oct-12
Yes, support for "Label" and "Serial Number" use in folder variables is now available in ViceVersa PRO.
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