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27. Monitoring Multiple VVEngine Installations via the REST API and JSON
Starting with version 2.2, Build 2230, VVEngine now supports querying the status of its scheduled profiles via a REST API. The returned information is formatted as JSON objects.
The status of the profiles can be queried at URLs /profiles/ and/or /profiles/status/.
This is useful for remote monitoring of multiple VVEngine installations running on the network, using server monitoring software and/or network sensors.
It is recommended that you use the new VVEngine REST API and its JSON returned objects to monitor multiple VVEngine remotely.
Here is an example of a query via HTTP:
returning JSON:
"current_time":"Wed, 29 Jul 2020 07:39:44 GMT",
"last_run":"Error - 7\/27\/2020 2:55:27 PM until 2:55:30 PM (3 sec) - (Manual Run) - Source folder not found.",
"path":"C:\\ViceVersa PRO\\copyattr.fsf",
"schedule":"Run manually",
If this exact string is not returned {"have_any_errors_or_disabled":0} then VVEngine is down or there are some profiles that have errors or are disabled.
Full description of the VVEngine REST API is available in the VVEngine manual.
To allow access to the VVEngine REST API from a remote computer, make sure you allow remote connections to VVEngine in the VVEngine settings, and also make sure that HTTP traffic on the port where VVEngine is running is allowed through the network firewall. Can I Connect to VVEngine from a Remote Computer?
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Author: TGRMN Software
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