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Unbuffered File Copy
Starting with version 2.5 build 2507, ViceVersa PRO offers the option to perform an “unbuffered file copy” when copying files. The new option is in profile settings -> performance.
What is unbuffered file copying?
The standard file copying (the default in ViceVersa) caches file reads and writes in the file system memory. This speeds up file reads and writes, but it has an associated memory cost that may impact other applications/processes running on the system while file copying is proceeding. Especially for large files, the memory cost may be significant.
Unbuffered file copying does not cache file reads and writes in the file system memory. It is moderately slower, but it minimizes memory usage. Unbuffered file copying is preferred when copying large files or a large amount of files without impacting the system memory.
The new option Unbuffered file copy is available in ViceVersa PRO starting with version 2.5 build 2507.
This option is supported on Windows 10, 8 / 8.1, 7, Vista, Windows Server 2008, 2012, 2016 or newer. It is not supported on Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, 2000 or older.
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