TGRMN Software Site Admin
Joined: 10 Jan 2005 Posts: 8790
Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2024 11:58 pm Post subject: |
Yes, in the main window switch to multiple source/target pairs to select multiple folders.
- "X:\Photos\" <to> "J:\Photos\" (Include Subfolders)
- "X:\Development\" <to> "J:\Development\"
- "X:\Websites\" <to> "j:\<leaf>\" (Include Subfolders)
<leaf> expands to the last subfolder of the corresponding source folder (a.k.a., the 'leaf' subfolder). For instance, if the source is "C:\source\folderA\", the leaf subfolder is the last subfolder in the path, i.e., folderA. If the target is "E:\target\<leaf>\", the variable <leaf> makes the target into "E:\target\folderA\".
There is also
<source> This variable can only be used for targets. It expands to the corresponding source folder. For instance if the source is "C:\source\folder\" and the target is "E:\target\folder\<source>\", the variable expands the target to "E:\target\folder\C\source\folder\".
<sourcewithoutdrive> This variable can only be used for targets. It expands to the corresponding source folder, but without drive. For instance if the source is "C:\source\folder\" and the target is "E:\target\folder\<sourcewithoutdrive>\", the variable expands the target to "E:\target\folder\source\folder\".
The root source and target folders are not created by ViceVersa automatically unless you enable the option:
Create sources/targets folders if they do not exist: Instructs ViceVersa to create source and target root folders that do not exist.
This option is in profile settings - folders.
You may also enable:
Continue even if sources/targets are inaccessible: Instructs ViceVersa to continue even if some source or target root folders are inaccessible. This is useful in multiple source/target profiles because some of the folders may be unavailable, in which case, ViceVersa will skip them. If a profile contains only one source/target pair this option is not applicable. _________________ --
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