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Backing up Terra Master or other external RAID Drives

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Joined: 17 Apr 2023
Posts: 4

PostPosted: Mon Apr 17, 2023 4:25 am    Post subject: Backing up Terra Master or other external RAID Drives Reply with quote

I've been using VVPro to backup my media collection since version 2.5 was released. Its a wonderful tool; always fast & reliable.

However, I've noticed when copying complete external RAID drives, in addition to copying the media files it seems to be copying working files used by the RAID system. I'm not very knowledgable about the inner workings of these drives, but I'm concerned if VV is replacing critical files used by the RAID controller on the backup drive by those from the primary drive I could end up with serious trouble -- i.e. a dead or unreliable backup. Here's an example of a file path that concerns me. MANY files at this path are being copied from one drive to the other. As I said -- just one example.
\\?\Q:\System Volume Information\EfjSIDat\SYMEFH.DB (where Q is the drive being backed up). VV is also copying the recycle bin; which is annoying.

1) Is it safe to let these files continue to get copied from one drive to the backup drive; will the backup work reliably?
2) If not, what's the best way to stop these from copying. It looks like there are a lot of files related to the RAID controller function or operating system getting backed up with the data/media. I don't think it's practical to list them on the exclusion list as the names and locations often change for a subset of the files.
3) At a minimum it seems like I should find a way to stop VV from backing up the recycle bin; it can waste a lot of time copying. Is there an easy way to do that?

I've been letting these files copy for years with no issues but I've never actually experienced a primary drive failure and needed the backup drive. I HAVE experienced a backup drive corruption (albeit only one since version 2.5) and I wonder now if the above situation contributed to that failure?

Any help or advice would be appreciated. I'm over my head.
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TGRMN Software
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 18, 2023 2:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi, thank you for using ViceVersa PRO to backup your files.

You can exclude these folders/files in different ways:

a) exclude by folder name, e.g. add an exclude subfolder filter "System Volume Information" for instance.

b) exclude hidden subfolders.

c) exclude system subfolders.

In this way, those subfolders and files in them will not be copied.
TGRMN Software Support
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