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Bit of help needed, please....Complete Newbe here...........

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Joined: 19 Jun 2022
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2022 7:15 am    Post subject: Bit of help needed, please....Complete Newbe here........... Reply with quote

Hello everyone, I have just started my 30-day evaluation of VVPRO and am just feeling my way and reading a lot on FAQ, System Instructions, etc.

I am a private individual (in UK) with a mainframe PC and two 2Tb external hard drives. I have folders on the PC that I copy over to the HD's in order to backup these files for 'safety' reasons; I cannot afford the PC crashing and losing access to these files as they represent 40+ years of a digital data collection (photos, pdf's, doc's, etc) all connected with my website I run.

I have tried over the past two years a number of 'copy-across' programs none of which really seemed to nail the task in-hand but stumbled across VVPRO by a pleasant surfing accident the other day; it looks and acts perfectly for this 'non-techie' individual.

My first question: Looking at the left-hand Source Panel, all the file/folder contents are beautifully displayed in long lists, however, the Target Pane simply shows the Folder itself, and no list of contents. If I click on the folder, the program simply highlights (if that is the right word) the Source Panel. So, despite checking and clicking as much as I can, I cannot seem to get the contents listing in the Target Panel.

But, I can confirm the program IS copying across perfectly and when the session is complete, is showing me all the confirmations by matching numbers in the details area on the screen. Can anyone advise me how to see the full contents listing in the Target pane, please..?

Second question: Whilst copying across I see 'Errors' appear as it goes through the files/folders. But, at the end of the session, whilst I can see a total of errors, I cannot see what the contents were/are nor find a list of them in order to 'correct' the error. It must be a system set-up of mine in the beginning, so can anyone tell me the answer to curing said errors, please..?

Thank you for reading this far, appreciated.

Regards, Bryan
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 22, 2022 10:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi Bryan,

thank you for evaluating ViceVersa. Could you please send a couple of screenshots to support via e-mail so we can have a look? (forum does not support attachments sorry)

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