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Backup method with detection of moved files

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Joined: 20 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 1:49 pm    Post subject: Backup method with detection of moved files Reply with quote

Normally I am using the backup method (Mirror source to target). What I am missing is the ability to detect a moved file in the source folder which was already backuped to the target some time before. This would be a great optimization because less files would have to be tranfered.

    I sync with method "backup" my video folder to an external disk: C:\videos ---> W:\sync\videos

    I just move a certain video in the source folder to another folder in the subtree or I rename a folder on the source folder:
    e.g. C:\videos\jamesbond ---> C:\videos\james_bond

    When I backup again with VV the files on the target in W:\sync\videos\jamesbond are deleted first and then copied again to W:\sync\videos\james_bond as if they were completely new files. But they had been already been there on the target - it would had been enough just to change the folder name (or e. g. move a file from a folder to a different folder).

Ok, this functionality requires a small database file on both sides to detect changes like those described above. But especially when backing up large files like a video archive this would be very useful because only new files have to be transferred.

I already made good experiences with a synchronisation software which provide such a feature. As far as I could see the detection of moved files worked without any problems.

However it would be great if VV would provide this feature, too. It would be a very useful function for many customers and would help to speed up synchronisation tasks more than every other improvement. And of course: My video sync would be much faster because I often move videos from on folder to another one! Wink

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    PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 11:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

    This can be added to ViceVersa but, in our opinion, is a bit unsafe. Assuming that a file has been moved is a bit of an assumption. It could be a file of same name, size and timestamp but with different content. To make sure it has the same content, ViceVersa would need to calculate the file hash of both files such as MD5 or SHA which would take the same time as moving the file again...
    TGRMN Software Support
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    Joined: 20 Nov 2007
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    PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 5:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

    You are right that it is a bit unsafe. However this could be an option for user who have no problem with this small risk of a "false" move. If name, size AND time (!) is the same it is very unlikely that anything has changed.

    Anybody who likes to be sure because he does not know if anybody else changed a bit and modified the timestamp could easily deactivate this option to be sure that VV works like in the past.

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    TGRMN Software
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    PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 11:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

    Yes, you are right, it could be an extra option with explanation of the risk behind it.
    TGRMN Software Support
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