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Non detection of renamed files and moved folders

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 6:47 pm    Post subject: Non detection of renamed files and moved folders Reply with quote


I have been using Vice Versa Plus for many years and have found it extremely useful for maintaining synchronised backups. For safety and efficiency I have always used it in "manual" mode, checking what it suggests copying/deleting and adjusting where necessary.
One of the biggest limitations has been the lack of detection of renamed files and moved folders. This can lead to very inefficient updating - hence the manual intervention.

More recently I have been using cloud storage (mainly SugerSync) and become used to efficient real time synchronisation with the cloud, with full detection of renamed files and moved folders - essential for efficient use of bandwidth.

So I decided to make some test with Vice Versa Pro / VV Engine, which according to all information I could find would provide real time detection of changes to files and folders with a database supporting efficient synchronisation.

Unfortunately after carrying out some simple tests I find that the programs are both incapable of detecting renamed files and moved folder, simply deleting the old ones on the target and re-copying the new ones from the source. So if I rename a folder containing 2 GB of data i get 2 GB deleted on the target and 2 GB copied over from the source to the target - all completely needlessly.

This is intolerable for synchronisation over the internet and plain bad for synchronisation on a local network.

Are there any plans to implement rename and move detection, or have I "missed a trick", or must I just uninstall the programs and look for a better solution?

Regards; davblo
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 11:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hi, sorry that functionality is not available in ViceVersa: the main reason is that implementing it would slow down the comparison quite considerably. But it could definitely be implemented as an option. thanks
TGRMN Software Support
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 11:30 am    Post subject: MOVE function - ditto Reply with quote

I too have used ViceVersa many years - love it, BUT it is inevitable to tidy up directories by moving things around in source. This is fine if you Force Target, but if you want to keep archived work, you would loose it.

Ideally, we need a search and delete duplicate files in Target - irrespective of their folder location - ie. if a duplicate file exists (name, size, date attributes), then the source location wins and duplicate file in Target is deleted...

This way would not slow things down?
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