TGRMN Software Site Admin
Joined: 10 Jan 2005 Posts: 8796
Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 10:49 am Post subject: VVEngine 2.0 Released |
VVEngine 2.0 Released
-> Download VVEngine 2.0 <-
Upgrading from Version 1.x
* VVEngine 2.0 installs over version 1.x. It's not needed to uninstall version 1.x first. All previous VVEngine settings, including all profiles and schedules are maintained.
* After the free trial, VVEngine 2.0 requires a new license code. An upgrade can be purchased from here:
What's New
* New VVEngine Gadget for Windows 7 and Vista. Keep an eye on VVEngine! The new VVEngine gadget puts your ViceVersa profiles right on your desktop. Learn More
* Improved VVEngine Status Icon on the Taskbar. The new VVEngine icon on the taskbar now changes depending on the status of VVEngine, e.g. OK, error, running, disable, etc.
* New VVConsole. VVConsole is a command line program that can be used to send commands to VVEngine, e.g. "run a profile", or "disable / enable a profile" or "shutdown". Using VVConsole you can run ViceVersa profiles within VVEngine from third-party programs, e.g. Windows Task Scheduler.
* New Scheduling Options:
- Exclude hours not to run.
- Do not start if computer is using battery power (and/or battery level is low).
- Start only if the computer IP address matches a specified value.
- Start only if all source and target folders in the profile are accessible.
- Report error if profile has not run for more than X minutes.
* New Global Options:
- Set the Windows Event logging level.
- Set seconds to wait before starting profile on file change detection.
- Set access to read-only pages without password.
- Set access to special run/stop page without password.
* New Read-Only page and Run/Stop page. A new read-only page where profile schedules are visible, but can't be changed, and a new run/stop page where profile schedules can't be changed, but can be run be run and/or stopped. Access to these pages can optionally be granted even without a password.
* Improved Service Control. Several internal improvements for running as a Windows Service on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008, 2003.
* New "show only running" and "show only errors" commands.
* Page auto-refresh rate selection from web browser.
* Google Chrome compatible.
* Other issues fixed: VVEngine.db file corruption, Start-up task on Windows 7, Log file and profile file located in same folder issue, profile disabling issue and more.
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