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Can't simulate function

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 1:08 am    Post subject: Can't simulate function Reply with quote


a competitor has a function which currently can not be done in VV2.

This is what it does:

    Every file in the left folder that is new or changed is copied to the right folder.
    Every file in the left folder that has been renamed is renamed in the right folder.
    Every file that was deleted from the left folder is deleted in the right folder.
    No left folder files are deleted, or renamed.
    No files are copied from right to left.
    Right folder files are deleted.

    This function basically does actions from left to right (Source to Target), but not right to left. All changes/deletions/rename from Source are carried over to the Target, but none of the changes made on Target are replicated to Source.

    I use it very often to backup/sync files to an external drive, but when I chose to manually delete some old stuff from the backup, these are ignored at the source (in case the files exist).

    Please add this function to the software. What do you think?

    Thanks, Val
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    PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 11:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote


    isn't this function the ViceVersa PRO Backup or Replication method? Please see

    TGRMN Software Support
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    PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 2:11 pm    Post subject: Update on Synctoy Echo Reply with quote


    Thank you for the reply. I ran some tests and I can confirm, that your app does NOT do the Synctoy echo function. Here is why:

    The closest to this function is your Backup (Mirror source to Target) function. This one backs up everything from Source to Target. So far so good.

    In what Echo differs, is how it handles changes on the Target side.
    - if I add a file to the Target side, it will be deleted with backup.
    - if I delete a file from Target, it will be copied back from Source to Target.
    - if I rename a file in Target, that will be renamed back to its Source original name.
    We can see that changes in Target will be OVERWRITTEN by Source.

    SyncToy Echo (competitor):
    - if I add a file to the Target side, it will NOT affect the source
    - if I delete a file from Target, it will NOT affect the source
    - if I rename a file in Target, it will NOT affect the source
    We can see that changes in Target will NOT be affected by Source.

    Re your Replicate function vs Echo: it does not work as echo either. Any renamed files in the Source will be copied over to Target, but with the old file left in place duplicate files will be created.

    So apparently there is NO backup app currently out there which would replicate this Echo function correctly. If you can add a new mode to your software called for e.g. "Backup (Echo)", I would buy your pro version in a heartbeat. Your software has so much more potential, customization options etc which your competitor lacks, but at the moment does not do what your competitor does.

    Please let me know your thoughts.

    Thanks, Val
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    PostPosted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 2:27 pm    Post subject: Contribute mode Reply with quote

    Hello again,

    Another backup mode you don't have compared to your competitor Synctoy 2.0 is the Contribute mode.

    Here is what it does:

    Contribute will add changes from the left folder to the right folder. New and updated files are copied left to right. Renames on the left are repeated on the right. No deletions. Folder creates and folder updates on the left are repeated on the right

    For example, you have a compact flash, SD, USB thumb drive, or other removable media that you take with you when you travel. You probably delete some files on the removable drive while you are away so that you can add or change other files. When you get back, you only want SyncToy to recognize new, renamed, and changed files, and you want the new stuff copied to the right folder. Contribute is the same as Echo but without the deletes.

    Contribute is the SyncToy action where:

    - New and updated files from the left folder are copied to the right folder.
    - Files renamed in the left folder are renamed in the right folder.
    - No files are deleted.
    - No files are copied from right to left.

    As your software does not do this type of backup, I would respectfully request to be added as a new backup mode under the name "Backup (Contribute)". This way it would be ore versatile.

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